
enyorança (p: [ə ɲu 'ran sə]) - catalan: n. a state of longing

Chronicling the ex-expat life and the desire for something greater. Experiences, thoughts, and ideas formed because of a former lifestyle that's disappeared. Global culture, domestic lifestyle. Consolidated into an outlet that may or may not be interesting to anyone else. Also a kind of travel blog because sometimes I go places. All photography is mine unless credited otherwise.

divendres, 4 de novembre del 2011

Avinguda Diagonal, 442

Avinguda Diagonal, 442 (© Google Earth)
La finca, a falta de mejores palabras, parecía un cruce entre un gigantesco reloj de carillón y un buque pirata, tocado de grandiosos ventanales y un tejado de mansardas verdes.  En cualquier otro lugar del mundo, aquella estructura barroca y bizantina hubiese sido proclamada una de las siete maravillas del mundo o un engendro diabólico obra de algún loco artista poseído por espíritus del más allá.  En el Ensanche de Barcelona, donde piezas similares brotaban por doquier como tréboles tras la lluvia, apenas conseguía levantar una ceja.
-- Carlos Ruiz Zafón, El juego del ángel

The house, for lack of better words, looked like a cross between an enormous grandfather clock and a pirate ship, touched with grandiose windows and a roof of green fields.  In any other place, that Baroque and Byzantine structure would have been declared one of the seven wonders of the world or the diabolical project of some crazy artist possessed by spirits from the other side.  In Barcelona's Eixample, where similar pieces rose up all around like clover after the rain, it barely raised eyebrows.

2 comentaris:

  1. felicitats per el teu blog esta molt be no m habia fixat que tenies un blog tan macu
    enhora bona
