Does anyone else feel like the phrase "Make changes in your life like quitting your job and be happy!" is extremely patronizing, or is that just me?
Sure, Joe Not-Really-a-Millionaire, you did... something... and now you live in Dubai and now you're happy. Great.
But I just cannot help but think that that's... patronizing. And simplistic. And not at all feasible for the vast majority of human beings. Some of us don't have the option to just quit our job to be happy. Some of us have jobs and keep our jobs and aren't considering quitting (at least not yet) not because they make us happy but because they make us money.
I know I personally have spent way too much time, as evidenced by some of my posts, struggling financially to be able to feasibly be at a point where we feel comforatble leaving the stability and comfort of a full-time job that pays well enough to live in a decent part of the country, or world, and don't have the ability to feel comfortable leaving that to follow non-existent dreams.
I guess I simply feel so tired of the influencer and live-for-what-makes-you-happy mentality that I cannot simply comprehend this concept.