
enyorança (p: [ə ɲu 'ran sə]) - catalan: n. a state of longing

Chronicling the ex-expat life and the desire for something greater. Experiences, thoughts, and ideas formed because of a former lifestyle that's disappeared. Global culture, domestic lifestyle. Consolidated into an outlet that may or may not be interesting to anyone else. Also a kind of travel blog because sometimes I go places. All photography is mine unless credited otherwise.

dijous, 28 de maig del 2015

"Football" vs. "Soccer"

This is a topic that, as both a football (soccer) fan and someone who's interested in languages and linguistics, and thus etymology, is near and dear to my heart.  So let me just say, before I go further,

Both words are correct.

Yes, you heard me.  I hope it was loud and clear.  Both the words "football" and "soccer" are equally correct.  And it irks me to no end when the word "soccer" is brought up to be "wrong" or "stupid", and how apparently only Americans (and don't even get me started on the word "Americans", for that is another rant for another time) use it, which makes them, *gasp* stupid.

Now, I'm not one of those "'MURRCA" Americans, because that is stupid, because hell, I didn't have a choice to be born here, I just was.  That's the way it is, that's the way it goes, and I have complaints, I have compliments, but so does anyone.  I'm not going to relinquish my citizenship because I don't like the direction this country is going in, nor am I going to tell everyone to leave.  My ancestors came to this country for a reason, and I can respect that.  I'm here now, I have an American passport that I actually think looks really cool, I really like our national anthem and the story behind it, and you know what?  I'm American and I like it.

All that being said, I think the whole "soccer versus football" as a "United States versus the World" argument is idiotic.  Why?  For one thing, the etymology of the word "soccer".  See, most people seem to think that "football" is the correct term because it's played with the feet.  I'm not here to debate that.  I'm also not here to discuss or complain about how American football is called football even though it's more "handegg" than "football" in terms of method and tool used to play.  I watch American football (GO PACK GO), and I enjoy it.

Here's the thing.  Both words "soccer" and "football" are correct, as the actual term for the sport is called "Association football".  You know, a sport played with a ball using feet that is made up of associations.  And here's the kicker, that's where the word soccer comes from.  I know!  Crazy, right?  Mind-blowing.  I'm going to quote Wikipedia here, because I can:
The word soccer is an abbreviation of association) and first appeared in universities in the 1880s (sometimes using the variant spelling "socker").
For nearly a hundred years after it was coined, soccer was an uncontroversial alternative to football, often in colloquial and juvenile contexts, but also in formal speech and writing.[6] In the late twentieth century some speakers of British English began to deprecate soccer for reasons that remain unclear; it is possible they mistook it for an Americanism

The word "soccer" was used in Britain until the late 20th century, and then stopped becaues they thought that Americans invented the word!  And in case Wikipedia isn't good enough (I feel ya):
soccer (n.) 
1899, socca, later socker (1891), soccer (1895), originally university slang (with jocular formation -er (3)), from a shortened form of Assoc., abbreviation of association in Football Association (as opposed to Rugby football); compare rugger. An unusual method of formation, but those who did it perhaps shied away from making a name out of the first three letters of Assoc.
That's from the Online Etymology Dictionary.

Anyway.  There you go.  Prefer to say "football" over "soccer"?  Say it!  Prefer to say "soccer" over "football" because you don't want people to get it confused with American football?  Okay!  Just don't go around telling everyone that the way they're saying it is wrong.

Now let's just all agree to get along!

divendres, 8 de maig del 2015

Let's Talk Women

Confession time.  I'm a woman, and I wear makeup.

I know, I know, so scandalous.  How dare I be a woman who enjoys makeup, wears between a size 2 and a size 4 (34-36 in Europe), and is of average build.  I have a fast metabolism, I'm not in shape at all, and yes, I love my morning makeup ritual.  Which isn't so much a ritual right now because I don't have much of a reason to go out in public most days, because I'll also admit that I'm lazy.

So there you go.

My whole reason for this post is that I'm sick and tired of people posting on Facebook stuff about "real women".  Real women this, real women that, makeup this, no makeup that.

Give me a break.  I am no less a woman because I enjoy wearing makeup, nor am I any less a woman because I'm a size 2-4 and still wish I could lose some weight.  The fact of the matter is, wearing makeup makes me feel good.  I struggle with low self-esteem, and have for a while, and when I started wearing makeup, the mere application of it boosted my confidence level something wonderful.  I feel like I'm creating art on my face, and playing with colors and contours and producing a final result that I'm not only proud of on a superficial level but also on an artistic one is something beautiful.  I don't care if some women choose to wear makeup and some don't.  It's none of my business.

Truth is, I don't wear makeup because someone else tells me to or because that's what society wants me to do.  I wear makeup because I want to and because it makes me feel good about myself, which is something that I very rarely experience outside of my makeup routine.  I'd rather spend money on makeup than clothes, and I'm okay with that.  If no one else wants me to wear makeup, fine.  That's cool.  But you're not going to make me become any less of a woman, any less beautiful, by telling me so.  I'm glad you're happy and content with your makeup-free face.  But don't make this about being a woman.

A woman is a woman, no matter how she dresses, looks, or acts.  It's no one's business but her own.